Showcase pages

Showcase pages

Showcase pages use mainly images to highlight a range of promotional material. They typically have relatively little text, and link to other pages to provide more detail.

This page lists different types of blocks possible on showcase pages in different combinations. It isn't a representative example of an actual showcase page, which typically would be quite short.

Content panel with side menu. Up to 10 items in the menu.

The idea for these text content panels is to give some background to the story you're trying to tell with the showcase page.

The text could reflect the image panel below, or it could be about some separate thing.

The main thing is to communicate an overall story to users as they scroll down the page.

man with hat and brightly coloured flowers against a yellow background

Call-to-action heading

Call-to-action standfirst

This is a text panel with an optional lighter button.

You may find sometimes that the darker primary button is visually too strong.

legs standing on a tennis court

A heading for your panel

Editorial panels are really useful ways of providing some imagery along with text.

The main focus in an editorial panel is the text.

However the image you use can add real visual weight and interest to the panel.

Try to use images which don't necessarily have a very strong subject. Something slightly abstract is a great choice.

Text panel heading

A side menu in a text panel doesn't need a heading.

woman with hair blowing in the wind, carrying a yellow bag over her right shoulder

A heading for your text

Editorial panels can have the text left or right aligned. The text box can be blue, gold, or grey.

Aliquip tempor Lorem ipsum exercitation occaecat exercitation est. Reprehenderit irure nostrud aliquip fugiat culpa quis nulla. Non officia labore esse elit mollit veniam id est fugiat culpa nostrud eu elit officia. Nostrud exercitation cillum culpa dolor id aliqua amet culpa consequat aute magna occaecat nisi sint aute consequat consectetur.

Velit fugiat tempor labore reprehenderit officia irure veniam sint. Mollit adipisicing proident tempor sunt cillum commodo ex duis incididunt ullamco sit ut aute velit labore consequat.

Text panel heading

But in this case the side menu does have a heading.

woman leaning on a book, looking off-camera

A heading for your text

Editorial panels can have different overlay colours. In this example the overlay is grey.

They can also be positioned left or right. In this example it's ro the right, because the main focus of the image is to the left.

An image panel

Standard image panels let you display an optional 'topic block'. In this case it doesn't link to anything, it just provides some context.

Image panel

A topic block in an image panel can appear on the right to make sure it doesn't block out an important part of the image.

Featured story

Featured story

sea on sand

A left-aligned title

This panel has some optional links below it


Qui nulla aliquip officia pariatur esse id et aute officia in esse adipisicing est ea duis labore pariatur.


Quis est sint enim aliquip fugiat

Nulla commodo occaecat sint anim aute qui in exercitation veniam esse fugiat quis ad voluptate irure commodo nisi.

Quis est sint enim aliquip fugiat

Nulla commodo occaecat sint anim aute qui in exercitation veniam esse fugiat quis ad voluptate irure commodo nisi.

Quis est sint enim aliquip fugiat

Nulla commodo occaecat sint anim aute qui in exercitation veniam esse fugiat quis ad voluptate irure commodo nisi.

Social media quote


smiling man

Qui nulla aliquip officia pariatur esse id et aute officia in esse adipisicing est ea duis labore pariatur.

man in front of a block of flats

Story heading

Story standfirst

Social media quote

Social media quote

Featured stories

legs standing on a tennis court

Story heading

Story standfirst

woman in front of a block of flats

Story heading

Story standfirst

Impact statement

Enim ex dolor ea sunt nostrud mollit cupidatat nostrud fugiat excepteur qui consectetur minim consectetur fugiat ullamco veniam.

desert scene

Tour heading

Tour standfirst

View our tour

Featured story

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam laoreet sapien eget neque hendrerit, eget vulputate nisi ultricies. Donec et tortor scelerisque, semper quam vitae, dictum nibh.

Dolor non ipsum laboris

Aute commodo sunt laboris elit voluptate consequat proident sint nisi voluptate ea aliquip nulla excepteur exercitation ex.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam laoreet sapien eget neque hendrerit, eget vulputate nisi ultricies. Donec et tortor scelerisque, semper quam vitae, dictum nibh.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam laoreet sapien eget neque hendrerit, eget vulputate nisi ultricies. Donec et tortor scelerisque, semper quam vitae, dictum nibh.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam laoreet sapien eget neque hendrerit, eget vulputate nisi ultricies. Donec et tortor scelerisque, semper quam vitae, dictum nibh.

Latest news


Affiliate logos panel

You can add some affiliate logos, with a short title for each. Each logo can link to a website.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam laoreet sapien eget neque hendrerit, eget vulputate nisi ultricies.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam laoreet sapien eget neque hendrerit, eget vulputate nisi ultricies. Donec et tortor scelerisque, semper quam vitae, dictum nibh.

Image gallery