Links and buttons

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We have two standard forms of links on the Kent website: body links and chevron links.

Body links

Body links have a soft grey bottom border - as distinct from a text-decoration effect.

Chevron links

Chevron links are never used inline. They are instead used as a way of highlighting a link as part of a design element, such as a feature panel or below a block of text. You can see an example below as 'Read more'.

Links in side-menus are shown stacked vertically with grey lines between each item. You can see an example in the side-menu on this page.

Other links - such as ones in site menus or the footer menu - don't have an underline but use some form of highlighting on hover to show they're links.


Buttons can come in different colours. Blue, red or yellow. The blue button is used in text, whereas red and yellow can be used in different contexts on marketing pages.

Last updated